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Management of EA

Managing the EA involves establishing, monitoring, and controlling the EA project throughout the lifecycle. The EA manager must communicate the EA plans to stakeholders and ensure support and buy-in of the strategic vision. The EA manager creates the governance mechanisms and structures, establishes boards and working groups, and ensures and appropriate balance of empowerment, focus and control. The EA manager translates EA plans into concrete actions by creating and monitoring schedules, building teams, assigning responsibilities, setting expectations, and making investments. The EA manager is responsible for controlling the quality and configuration of the EA artifacts, managing complexity, adapting to unexpected challenges and opportunities, and keeping senior leadership informed of issues and resolutions. The maintenance and oversight of an enterprise architecture program requires balance between long term and day-to-day management of architecture activities.

This knowledge area provides references and guidance on how to manage an EA project. This knowledge area is not expected to duplicate references and guidance on general program management. Instead, it builds on good program management practices and addresses how those practices can be tailored and applied to the special needs of EA programs.

The EA Glossary offers helpful terms and definitions.

Additional information is available in the following categories:

  1. Portfolio management
  2. Roles
  3. Supervision and Control
  4. Resourcing
  5. Education and Training
  6. Maturity

 EABOK is an evolving knowledge base and more information will be released as available.

In addition to the EABOK Board members, the content is also contributed by the following MITRE employees:

  • Carla Kendrick
  • Brenda Yu
  • Eddie Wang
  • Rose Tykinski
  • Wakar Khan
  • Mike Russell




This website is managed by the EABOK Consortium and hosted by MITRE to enable stakeholder collaboration within the EA community.
EABOK and the EABOK logo are trademarks of MITRE and are used by The EABOK Consortium with permission.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  All rights reserved.


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